30 November 2019

Doctored Keto Cake Mix Chocolate Cupcakes

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These chocolate cupcakes are made using High Key Snacks Brownie Mix, and they're awesome! They are lighter than the average keto cupcake, and I am a huge fan of their moist texture. The top of the cupcakes also have that unique brownie crinkle glow. While I still do like my original chocolate cupcake recipe slightly more (I think - I haven't had them side by side), these are so much quicker, so I'll probably end up making these ones more. I also do think the other recipe might hold up better in cake form, but I haven't actually tried this one as cake so TBD.

(In case you're wondering, these are similar to a three-ingredient muffin recipe I posted a couple months back, but these have a few more ingredients that account for the rise and fluffiness. These seem way more dessert-like than muffin-like to me.)


1 bag of High Key Snacks Brownie Mix (you can use code CKK10 at this link to get 10% off!)
4 large eggs
7.5 oz canned pumpkin
1 tbsp baking powder (yes, tbsp, that's not a typo)
1 tsp baking soda 
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla

Note: If you'd like to add buttercream, I recommend using this recipe.


1) Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

2) Mix together all ingredients. 

3) Pour into muffin tins lined with parchment liners.

4) Bake for about 25 minutes or until done.

5) Remove from oven and allow to cool fully. Frost them after they're cool if you'd like (I don't think they need it!).

Picture Instructions:

Nutrition Facts:

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